Interdistrict Public School Choice
How will the district select the non-resident choice program students?
Choice program students will be admitted to the Lower Cape May Regional School District through a random, unbiased process. If the number of applications for choice seats exceeds the number of seats available, the choice district will hold a lottery. A number will be assigned to each applicant or applicant family, and those who are not selected will be placed on a waiting list.
What should I know about the Lower Cape May Regional School District?
The Lower Cape May Regional School District is located at the southern tip of Cape May County. Our district includes two schools. 458 students attend grades seven and eight at Richard M. Teitelman School and 923 students attend grades nine through twelve at Lower Cape May Regional High School. There are 165 staff members.
The district offers comprehensive, quality educational programs and services designed to meet the needs of students of all abilities and interests. All school programs, activities and initiatives are based on effective schools research and include:
- A state of the art curriculum that is aligned with the State Core Curriculum content Standards, developmentally appropriate, research-based and designed to make learning experiences meaningful and relevant
- Career & Technical Education Programs, Dual College Credit Programs
- Cutting-edge instructional practices that enable students to learn effectively and reach higher standards
- Low student teacher ratios to provide the opportunity for learner-centered instructional programs
- The latest technology, which helps students achieve computer literacy and enhances classroom lessons
- Active participation between parents and teachers to foster greater opportunities for school success
- Our data system provides unprecedented communication and access to students, staff and parents
- A curriculum that focuses on new educational initiatives and developments
- Partnerships with businesses and organizations that enrich instruction and help students connect with the community
- Professional, well trained, dedicated and caring teachers, who are all “highly qualified” in accordance with the definition in the No Child Left Behind federal legislation and who are committed to ongoing professional development to continue to meet diverse student needs
- A guidance and advisement system that lays the foundation for the development of Individual Personalized Learning Plans for all students
For information on Lower Cape May Regional School District Choice Program Contact Margie Franco at or (609)884-3475 Ext. 225