Lower Cape May Regional High School

Library Media Center


Mrs.Utsch, Library Media Spedialist

ext. 277 or 230


Ms. Kimsey, Media Aide

ext. 277


Tigers Read! Book Club

Meets the LAST MONDAY of every month.

Join us for book discussions, refreshments and fun.

Join our Google Classroom code:
k t k 5 n c b


Media Center Philosophy

The LCMR High School Media Center exists to support the District curricula by providing resources to students and staff to assist in meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Staradards, as well as instructing them in how to use those resources.

Beyond that, the LCMR High School Media Center is a place for students to learn, whether that is through fiction and non-fiction books, the Internet or databases. We strive to create lifelong readers and learners.


Quick Links

Destiny Discover Online Catalog

Parent Opt-Out Form (Use this form to restrict which books your student may borrow.)

Library Calendar

Google Classroom

Subject Specific Resources



Some of the databases we provide are password protected when accessed outside of the school building.

For password assistance, look in the
High School Media Center Google
or contact Mrs. Utsch. or
Ms. Kimsey.

Frequently Used Databases

opposing viewpoints

state libGale resources are funded by New Jersey State Library


**** PASSWORD UPDATE: Change 2123# to 2124# *****

EBSCOhost Web (Magazine articles)
Literary Reference Center
Points of View
Explora - Encyclopedia

Teen Health

Calm Room


Teen Health and Wellness : An easy-to-read source of health information for teenagers. Just click on the button above to start your search.
Passwords available in the Media Center Google Classroom.


Choose from three different levels:

Student or

Jersey Cat

New Jersey Inter-library loan system

Salem Press eBooks

Read the ONLINE editions of
our HISTORY and CAREER books
from Salem Press