Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Richard M. Teitelman’s Fantasies of the Mind. Once again we have solicited original student writings to entertain you, and once again students have responded to the call. On the following pages you will find writings inspired by topics like school, slavery, love & the seasons. Students tackled the tasks of writing creatively as well as demonstrating the knowledge they have gained this year. The students who helped to compile these creative writings worked hard and found their inspiration in many ways and in many classrooms throughout this school year.
Good writing both entertains and provokes thought. We hope that you will read each of the entries in this literary magazine. Enjoy them. Take your time and think about each of the writings, and you may find more than what is written on the printed page.
No one ever said that writing is an easy thing to do. To share personal writing with others is always somewhat dangerous; one becomes vulnerable. We want to thank those students who took the time to write and had the courage to share their personal thoughts. You see, the writings were not originally for publication, but only fantasies of the mind.