Gregory Lasher (Ext: 204) - lasherg@lcmrschools.com
Ms. Christine Teeney (Ext: 222) - teeneyc@lcmrschools.com
- Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- LEA Assessment IT Contact
- District Coordinator of State Testing
- District ESEA Coordinator
- Biliteracy Coordinator
Mr. Mark Mallett (Ext: 206) - mallettm@lcmrschools.com
- Business Administrator
- Board Secretary
- Web User Administrator
Ms. Joell Worster (Ext: 221) - worsterj@lcmrschools.com
- Director of Special Education, Pupil Personnel and Support Services
- District Homeless Education Liaison
- District Bilingual/ESL Point of Contact
- District Educational Stability Liaison
Erik Simonsen (Ext: 296) - simonsene@lcmrschools.com
Larry Ziemba (Ext: 208) - ziembal@lcmrschools.com
Peter Daly (Ext: 214) - dalyp@lcmrschools.com
- Middle School Principal
- Affirmative Action Officer
- Title IX Coordinator
Kelly Godfrey (Ext: 215) - godfreyk@lcmrschools.com
- Anti Bullying Coordinator
- School Safety Specialist
Erich Wolf (Ext: 217) - wolfe@lcmrschools.com
- High School Assistant Principal
Mark Schiffbauer (Ext: 226) - schiffbauerm@lcmrschools.com
- Middle School Assistant Principal
POLICY The Lower Cape May Regional Board of Education is cognizant of the need to implement Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Federal Department Regulations (4SCFR part 80), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI New Jersey Administrative Code, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974. The Lower Cape May Regional Board of Education affirms its responsibility to ensure all students in the public schools of Lower Cape May Regional School District equal educational opportunity and all employees equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, social or economic status, and handicap.
Contact Information
Name: Peter Daly Title: Title IX and Affirmative Action Coordinator Office Address: 687 Route 9 Cape May NJ
Telephone Number: (609) 884-3475
Name: Joell Worster Title: Section 504 Coordinator and Title II/ADA Coordinator
Office Address: 687 Route 9 Cape May NJ
Telephone Number: (609) 884-3475